Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Information on pruning and re planting hawthorn busehes?

actually to the other answer, it is salix (willow for those that dont know there latin) that are self propergating plants and will grow when just stuck in the ground. Crateagus monogynya (hawthorn) the ideal time to prune hawthorn is once the fruit has been eaten by resident birds and other garden wildlife, but before early spring. Most forms require minimal pruning, other than the removal of broken, diseased or crossing branches. Encourage them to form a single-leader standard tree by removing lower branches as the tree matures until there is a clear trunk about 2m high. Alternatively, cut back a recently planted hawthorn to encourage it to produce a multi-stemmed tree ideal for use in a naturalistic planting or wild area of the garden..

Passed with distinction RFS Diploma in Arboriculture

Information on pruning and re planting hawthorn busehes?
About this time of year cut them right down, about 6 inches, dig them up and plant them where you want them. Alternatively take the cuttings and stick them in the ground where you want them.
Reply:Hawthorn and blackthorn are virtually impossible to kill! They don't particularly need pruning - just cut them to the shape you want. If you dig them up and move them, they don't seem to mind. (The experts recommend you do this in the winter) If you cut a bit off and stick it in the ground it will root.

roots rain

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